Dont want to say much...just enjoy the photos....let your finger do the scrolling..if you like something that you see...just smile its all mine!!! heeheheh

Melamine chocolate fountain...gerenti to slow down your aging process...a must for any events

My sister...

My cousins....

My cousin & her son....

My cousin...Hj. Omarali OK Saman...ex gangster from pasai..eheheheheh

My sis & cousins.....

My nieces & nephews...gangster from Manggis 2

ahahahahah...atu makan! ....our families does enjoy food.... cousin & his son
Hakeem...&*(&&@#it does run in the family....hehehehe

Cikgu Omarariff & wife..

not sure who they are.. uninvited guests..hehehehehehehe

Hafizah & Aisah...

Nurul & the beloved one...

PJN's gangsters in d'house....

Fakrul bro angkat...heheheheh ex mafia....

Aizul, Alin & their beautiful gauk daughter Marsha aka. Martian...


Cleopatra..aka. Adillah Mizan Hj Deli..ahahhaah kedapatan tia...

my bro & his geng

Pg. Azmi aka. gembo trying to lick the chocolate fountain..hehehehe

my new cousins
Aneesa (right) & her sister
Peach ...just knew their existence...24 hrs ago.Its really nice knowing both of you...& I got a cute cousin..heheheeh selalu jumpa2 ah! and tarus belanja
Mr. Gembo...trying the Melamine laced chocolate....hiya! still survive rupanya..heheeheh

My gawd!.my cousin
Qamaruz in d'house...

...very proud to say she's my cousin but dont even know her name..most of my cousins are cute...kalau inda cute they are not my cousin..heheheheeheh

My cousin
Peach & friend...eheheheh
Wah! Lawa ur house!! :D A crib indeed!! ;)
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