Another trying day....glad to hit the bunk bed (really had a nice sleep - no mosquitoes or sand flies)...back of my mind the guys must be suffering...tapi biarkan tia. Let them be a man or nite in a tent wont killed any of them. The thought of them suffering really make me happy ehehehehehhe :)...unfortunately its not raining... just wanna to find out if the tents they set-up can withstand the forces of mother nature...
....the next day 'fortunately' each and everyone of them survived arghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!. (very proud of you guys...if you don't try you wont know...this is only a small challenge but the bigger challenge is facing 'live' itself. If you can survive this challenge can survive a bigger challenges or 'live'...)
Honestly..the initial planned by OBBD was for them to sleep in the 'teratak'..but I insisted they better be off camping instead...just to see if they squeal...
The prog. for the 2nd day...
* Raising the national flag
* Jogging
* Tom & Jerry
* Water confidence
* High rope or multi-vine
* Kayaking (8 km)
* packing their tents
Participants were required to raised the national flag....this is a very good way to instill 'cinta terhadap negara'
the guys preparing to go jogging...
..jogging from the operation centre to nearby kampong...approximately about 3 km
Kenali Negara Kitani (KNK) usual our infrastructure are in really bad condition..its always the same story lack of maintenance.
high time to repair the road...dont wait for HM to visit!!!!
Adri & Rauf...leading their group...busily chatting their experiences last night
Jamil Jamahat...OBBD's coach leading the group...
Water confidence exercise...before they are allowed kayaking...
..participants were taught how to float...
each coach is assign to a group...participants are required to wear full PPE before goin' into the water
a very good exercise in building participants' confidence..this can be apply in their daily life..