Woke-up really late after last nite celebrating 2nd KB Blogger Nite and then rush to Labi for the padi harvesting...
As usual I always make myself buzy body...(kira cam journalist ler....looking for stories even though not invited heheh jan mare ah! Liza Mohd..). May be I should be a journalist covering only hot sensational news..heeheheheh.
As usual I always make myself buzy body...(kira cam journalist ler....looking for stories even though not invited heheh jan mare ah! Liza Mohd..). May be I should be a journalist covering only hot sensational news..heeheheheh.
Today..ahli-ahli majlis kampung labi 1 & 11 dan ahli - ahli pengusaha sawah padi Kawasan Paya Kenapol organised mengatam padi and YB the Minister of Home Affairs as the guest of honour.
Beside Pehin Menteri and his entourage attending the ceremony...there's bus lots of students from Nursing college and two other institutions (cant recall which educational institutions they're from...) meramaikan majlis mengatam padi...
Note: My only purpose is to check the place out for mengetam padi for OGDC & STEP Centre science camp participants..some the kids now aday never even seen a padi field or even yet seen a padi itself. It is my hope that with the trip..students not only learn about the aspect of 'padi' but also the challenges that face the pesawah2 padi. Students will also learn about the science of padi planting ie. from the method of planting, suitability of soil, the technology use for harvesting or padi processing, etc.. Lastly, the susah payah of being a pesawah padi....my gawd! baru 1/2 an hour I am already melting....can't imagine being in the sawah for 1 whole day..just to mencari nafkah for the whole family...
I like ur idea of using the Labi padi field as a retreat for OGDC Science Camp cos it will be an excellent place for them to 'break the ice' and network. Also at the same time, to appreciate our forefathers who used to work in the padi fields as you said.. mencari nafkah.
I agree with you that some of the children today never ever seen a padi itself. I brought my 15 pupils of Yr 6 from Kg Air during their 1st term holiday recently to Kg Lamunin for mengetam padi at my mother's padi field. All of them never seen how padi looks like selain dari dalam tv. They enjoyed it very much and were very happy especially when hasil padi yang durang ketam atu dibagi-bagi untuk dibawa balik. You know what? They request untuk di bawa ke sana lagi. I thought durang jara untuk mengetam padi....
Alhamdulillah saudara brow jho, nyamai hehe canggih dah yeh saye nak cuba makan beras brio hrg berapa ye kg10/kantong? Saya andika putra wirabuana baru dtg lgi dr sulawesi selatan 1indonesia,dlu dkirim balik kampung tgl 31 april 2014_lemboade saye re ad luka dalam dan dan skit jd saye skrg dah smbung balik pasport ni salam persaudaraan
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