This post is dedicated to the past few days...while I was in a state to a 'better health.......". The story goes like this.......
On 13 Tue 2008, I was totally sick...running with high fever and couldnt even get out of bed so as usual Panadol is my only remedy until I get to see a doctor the next day. I thought this is just another common fever and will be gone for a few days....boys!!!! I am totally wrong.
On Wed, 14 May 2008, managed to dragged my feets and see a doctor at Panaga Health Centre, Seria and prescribed with Paracetamol (4 times a day to six hourly), Dehydration salts and a day sick leave. My fever persist till the next day...
Cant stand it anymore...when to see the doctor for the 2nd time on Thursday, and this time a 2nd doctor took my case. As usual....I was given the same prescription and even lecture on how to manage my sickness....take your medicine regularly....drink plenty of water..bla..bla..bla......
As my mom can't bear to see my condition worsen and she took me to Suri Seri Begawan Hospital, KB. for the 3rd consultation...This is where all hells break loose........
* initial assumption shows I might be suffering from internal bleeding...a similar symption to denggi fever...
* more tests were done and at this time I was on Intravenous drip i.e water inserted into my vein.....and admitted to Ward 10
On Sat, 17 condition worsen I was heavily on medication taking paracetamol every 4 hours and on drip every 5 Blood pressure (BP) drop to 70/50 and my blood counts drop to extremely low as well. But, until now there still no conclusive evidents to the caused of my about 9.30am I undergone a another screening to check if my hearth, kidney, lungs are functioning.....but all seems ok. Just to make sure I was properly taken care-off I was admitted to Intensive Care Unit (ICU)....
As of Sunday till Tuesday, I make the ICU my 2nd home...never slightly thought that things are getting worse & worse...with heavily sedated with antibiotics and needles piercing from my enable the nurses to inject antibiotics....I cant hardly walk...even need the help of nurses to assist to go to the toilet if not then...have to pee in a urinary flask and 'poo poo' in a basin then getting your butt wash by the male nurse (....when you see it happens to other people it really look funny but when it happens to feels like the world is tumbling down)..sometime I wonder whether I will ever live to see the next day. Emotionally, I was devastated and the thought of dying was never far behind..imagine for an instant losing the rest of your life.... losing what you have work for, your dreams, your vision and mission just because of 1 lousy illness....and the thought of a doctor inserting a tube through your neck trying to reduce your BP...I might be ended-up paralyse or even worst.
My fever and BP subside but my blood counts are not consistent and I easily get exhausted. There's still no conclusive evidence on the cause of my illness even after my MRI at JPMC.
Luckily I have my mom, brothers, families & friends to give encouragement for the will to live...and to survive.
Ps: Have to go for another check-up this Monday....
Male Ward 10....first admitted on Friday, 16 May 2008 Closed door - Intensive Care Unit (ICU) The nurse trying to adjust my drip.... Hospital food.....for the past few days in the Hospital I hardly touch the food...feel nausea even my the smell of foods... Usually I never need a helping hands before....but now a little help mean a lot.... My daily morning ICU My ICU.... All those wires are meant to monitor my health At Ward 10 awaiting to be sent to JPMC for MRI scan...I really look like a balloon...after about nearly 10 bags of drip who would'nt look like one..heheeh My daily dosage of medicine...right till today....