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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tears in my eyes

*** Al Fatihah ***

Dyg Nursqakinah Shahira passed away this morning at 4.30am at Suri Seri Begawan Hospital. Semoga rohnya di limpahi rahmat....



If you have read today borneo bulletin on the flight of a low income family struggling to make ends meet and care for two disabled members of their family. I had the opportunity to meet the family this evening with Liza Mohd.

We had a long chat with the Dyg Johanie Haji Kikil on the problems that she faced and the sort of helps or assistant we can give her.

Dyg Johanie Haji Kikil's house located at RPN Kg. Pandan

No. 8E, Spg. 93-21-5
Kg. Pandan 'B' (Belakang Dewan Kemasyrakatan RPN Kg. Pandan)
RPN Kg. Pandan, Kuala Belait

The first time stepping into her house, I assumed that they (family) are quite well-off with nicely and neatly arrange furniture & deco. One would feel at home. Those were the days when she was able to provide her families with necessities ie. from TV to furniture, etc. But those days are far gone. Now, they barely have enough money to buy foods and other necessities. She has to pay the house about B$180/month, electricity and water bill.

At the moment...I am having problem with my transfer. Before I would never thought I will ends in this situation. When you work hard, sacrifice your time and energy every things should goes well! But it is not so. I was asking why me?... (will blog about it in the next post) but looking at the condition of Dyg. Johanie's family there are other people who really suffer than I do.

I was lucky (alhamduillah) that I got a job a house to live in and a car to drive to problem is only a tip of the ice berg compare to the difficulty & the suffering of this people.

Talking to Dyg Johanie will definitely open one's eyes to harsh reality of the life. One day, she was fit & strong and the breadwinner of the family but now she's confined in a wheel chair. She didnot receive any support from local authority...excuse after excuse were given for not eligible to receive allowances! ie. kebajikan, etc.. These people (local authority) do need to get their priority straight. Whatever their excuses...think about the welfare of the kids they do deserve to live......and having a better life.

Below are the excerpt taken from an email sent by member of majlis perundingan kg. Pandan;

a) Dyg Johanie Hj Kikil @ Rohani Hj Lepong ( 57 Tahun) , Warga Negara Brunei (Kad Pengenalan 00- 028887, Warna Kuning) yang lumpuh dibahagian kaki sejak tahun 2006. Beliau bertongkat ketika berkerja dengan Pejabat Pos Seria sebagai Kerani Biasa dan pada 2007 penyakitnya bertambah berat hingga tidak dapat berjalan dan dibantu dengan sebuah kerusi roda yang disumbangkan oleh ahli keluarga beliau. Beliau telah pun bersara pada Disember 2007 dan masih menyara hidup anak2 dan cucu2nya. Beliau belum mendapat bantuan Sara Hidup daripada pehak yang berwajib. Dyg Johanie @ Rohani juga pernah membantu Majlis Perundingan Kampong & Mukim Kuala Belait menyertai Persembahan Padang sempena keberangkatan KDYMM ke Daerah Belait dan juga persembahan pentas iaitu menyanyi sempena upacara yang sama

Dyg. Johanie Hj. Kikil in the wheel chair. It is her hopes that her daughter Ayu Marlina (21 years old)to get a job and would be able to support herself. With only a form 2 qualification and suffering from spinal deformity...this makes her demotivated to look for job. Refer to Liza Mohd 's blog for more info.

b) Dyg Ayu Marlina Bte Idris ( 21 Tahun ) adalah anak kepada Dyg Johanie Hj Kikil @ Rohani Hj Lepong, Warga Negara Brunei (Kad Pengenalan 00-316198, Warna Kuning). Ketika lahir seperti manusia biasa, sejak umur beliau menjangkau 5 tahun, beliau sering demam dan kaki beliau didapati tidak seimbang. Kaki beliau dibedah untok membaiki keadaan akan tetapi sejak dibedah keadaan kesihatan beliau mula bertambah buruk sehingga membantut kesuburan tubuh badan beliau dan bahagian belakang badan amat membongkok. Beliau pernah mendapat elauan Orang Kurang Upaya (OKU) daripada persatuan KACA sehingga mencecah umur 12 tahun. Selepas itu beliau tidak mendapat apa2 jua jenis bantuan sara hidup daripada pehak yang berwajib. Dyg Ayu Marlina mempunyai bakat didalam seni suara dan pernah menjuarai didalam seni suara didalam negeri. Beliau pernah membantu Majlis Perundingan Kampong Dan Mukim Daerah Belait bagi menyumbangkan suara didalam majlis sambutan Hari Ulang Tahun Keputeraan KDYMM dan juga Majlis Perkahwinan DiRaja. Dyg Ayu Marlina pandai berbahasa Ingris dengan lancar dan boleh mengunakan komputer. Beliau pernah memohon bantuan Orang Kurang Upaya atau Sara Hidup melalui Ketua Kampong & Penghulu Mukim Kuala Belait akan tetapi jawapan dari pehak tertentu amat mengecewakan. Dyg Ayu Marlina bersedia untok berkerja dengan sektor swasta atau dengan Sektor Kerajaan jika diberi peluang. Dengan berkerja beliau dapat membantu menyara kehidupan nya dan membantu emaknya Dyg Johanie @ Rohani yang telah lumpoh.

c) Dyg Nursqakinah Shahira Abdullah ( 8 Tahun ) adalah cucu kepada Dyg Johanie @ Rohani dan Anak Buah kepada Dyg Ayu Marlina menghadapi penyakit yang kronik iaitu ketegangan urat saraf sejak dia dilahirkan. Beliau pernah dirawat di Rumah Sakit tempatan dan telah disahkan oleh Pakar Perubatan bahawa penyakit anak ini tidak dapat diubati dan dihantar pulang kerumah kediaman nenek nya iaitu Dyg Johanie @ Rohani. Semoga ALLAH memanjangkan usia Dyg Nursqakinah Shahira.

Ayu holding Nursqakinah Shahirah.

Nursqakinah Shahirah

While visiting the family, we were told that Nursqakinah was admitted to Suri Seri Begawan hospital as she was suffering from vomitting and high fever. Liza & I spent sometime with Nursqakinah and her mom Nurul (a single parent) just to find out how they are getting on.

Insyallah, will do our best to help the family esp. trying to find job for Ayu Malina and Nurul so that they can help to support their family....

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